Consult FAQ 2024

Questions You Should Be Asking Yourself


We Help You Answer the Most Important Questions

  1. How have you adapted your business to the challenges of the current market?
  2. What is your competitive advantage?
  3. How do you handle financial forecasting and budgeting?
  4. How do you approach marketing and advertising for your business?
  5. How do you stay informed and educated about industry trends and developments?
  6. How do you measure the success of your business?
  7. How do you plan to scale your business in the future?
  8. Do you have a plan and if so, when was the last time you looked at it?

General Questions

What happens to my (financial) world if I can’t see clients? Among business / practice owners, this is a valid (and very real) question for many. How does one connect with clients, day after day, year after year, and not have that take a toll on YOU (mentally or physically)? What is your back-up plan when your hands, back, and shoulders begin to wear out? What happens when you can’t work with clients due to an illness, accident or the unforeseen? How will you achieve your goals (wealth accumulation, retirement, legacy)? We share strategies on how to prepare and protect YOU.
  • Adding staff (professional and support).
  • Adding space to meet your current needs.
  • Looking to move to another office space.
  • Looking to add another office
  • Purchasing another business.

Once you have defined your direction, a conversation with us can help you determine if this is a good fit at this time, based upon an evaluation of your current operations. If so, we can assist you in working on a strategic effort to get you to your goals.

What is your definition of success? Most likely, THEY did what YOU are doing now…asking questions and seeking answers. They had a vision for their business, established goals and worked with a mentor that helped them reach those goals. This is exactly what we do at Consult Encompass. The entire Encompass Group team will analyze where are currently, determine where you would like to go, and design and execute strategies that you there.

Service Questions

YES! There are always ways to be more efficient at anything we do. Where are you as the business owner? Are you acting as an employee or the owner? Let’s ask that in a different way: Are you working IN their business or ON your business? When you have the ability to work ON your business, you become more efficient. We successfully show practice owners how to work ON their business.
Successful entrepreneurs know that the day they open a business, they are thinking about the day they stage their exit from that business even if that time is decades down the road. Most practice owners start looking at their exit from their business from a point of frustration when they’ve “had it and want out!”.  Ideally, You should start this part of planning 7 – 10 years PRIOR to wanting to exit. Whether your time horizon is shorter or longer, we will work with you to strategize every possible option to exit with the best possible outcomes. Without a well thought out strategy, you risk getting far too little for a career of hard work. It is NEVER too early to start planning to exit!
That is a great question. With everything that is going on today (within the country and your profession), HOW is the most appropriate question. There are roughly five ways to exit, but some are much more financially lucrative for you than others. We strategize with our clients, explore those five ways, and assist them in making the best decision for them.


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